Vincent Bernat

Account namebernat
OpenPGP fingerprint AEF2 3487 66F3 71C6 89A7 3600 95A4 2FE8 3535 25F9 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Developer, uploading since 2008-04-18

Short Biography


Personal history

Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)
bernat June 25, 2007 April 18, 2008 Debian Developer, uploading (done) Completed thijs toots

Advocate history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2017-11-29 2018-03-22 DM Andy Li andyli Closed
2018-10-17 2019-03-18 DD, upl. Jean Baptiste Favre jbfavre Closed eugene
2018-11-28 2018-12-06 DM Scott Martin Leggett smlx Closed
2024-05-10 2024-05-26 DM Stefano Brivio sbrivio Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)
eriberto Feb. 14, 2014 July 29, 2014 Debian Developer, uploading (done) Completed asb terceiro, dererk, bernat
prach April 8, 2014 Oct. 29, 2015 Debian Developer, uploading (done) Completed faw boutil, taffit, bernat
hefee Aug. 26, 2015 Oct. 9, 2016 Debian Developer, uploading (done) Completed glaubitz bernat