Étienne Mollier

Account nameemollier
OpenPGP fingerprint 8F91 B227 C7D6 F2B1 948C 8236 793C F67E 8F0D 11DA 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Developer, uploading since 2021-06-23

Short Biography

I am some guy interested in computers. I first heard of Free and Open Source Software as a teenager at school, and the perspective of being free to change the behavior of my computer the way I want was exciting. Christmas 2006, a cousin offered me Mandriva DVDs with which I begun using a FOSS operating system. As a student I started using Debian as a regular user in 2010. Later, I started administering Debian based computers at day job since 2012.

During a few years, I have done a wee bit of support on mailing list, and squashed a bug or two. After answering the call for contributions from Andreas Tille and Michael R. Crusoe, during April 2020's Biohackathon against Covid-19, I joined the Debian Med team. My core involvement consists in giving a hand with maintaining various Debian Med packages, where I am able to help. I'm also generally interested in multiple architecture support, notably i386 as I have one still around, and there are still organisations relying on Debian to give a second life to 32 bits machines, and riscv64 because this Open Hardware looks to me to be the way of the future.

Tinkering with Debian got me some valuable expertise from which I could make a living. I thank Debian Developers involved in the Debian Med team for their guidance in showing me how to contribute back that expertise, especially Andreas Tille, Michael R. Crusoe, and Steffen Möller, as they encouraged me to become truly a member of the Debian project.

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2021-01-02 2021-06-23 DD, upl. Étienne Mollier emollier Closed srud
2020-09-30 2020-10-07 DM Étienne Mollier emollier Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)

Advocate history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2023-02-10 2023-04-24 DM Cordell Bloor cgmb Closed
2025-02-05 2025-02-22 DD, upl. Cordell Bloor cgmb AM pgt
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)