Jan Mojžíš

Account namejanmojzis
OpenPGP fingerprint AADF 2EDF 5529 F170 2772 C8A2 DEC4 D246 931E F49B 0 Endorsements
Status Debian Developer, uploading since 2024-10-25
Note: the change happened recently and there might still be work to be done to finish activating the account. Please do not assume everything works until you get a mail from Debian System Administrators telling you that your account has been created.

Short Biography

I like long-term stable and secure software and I would like to help maintain it in Debian. I am also interested in a cryptography. My favorite crypto motto is "trust is not a renewable resource".

Personal history

New-style processes
Started Last Target Applicant UID Status AM
2023-01-15 2024-10-25 DD, upl. Jan Mojžíš janmojzis Closed pgt
2022-07-19 2022-08-04 DD, upl. Jan Mojžíš janmojzis Closed
2022-03-08 2022-03-20 DM Jan Mojžíš janmojzis Closed
2016-09-12 2016-09-12 DC+account Jan Mojžíš janmojzis Closed
Old-style processes
Applicant From To Applying for Progress AM Advocate(s)