I have been using Free Software and especially GNU/Linux privately on desktop and server systems for quite some time now, while studying at school and university.
From the beginning, I have contributed to Free Software projects and even created some new ones on my own.
For several years, I've gained Linux experience - first with SuSE, then with Ubuntu, then Gentoo (including some packaging work there) for some time and finally arrived at Debian.
Now I am very lucky to have found a job in an organization that both extensively uses Debian for desktop and server systems and is supportive of me contributing back to the community.
In cooperation with my superior, I've already contributed to some packaging efforts (nagstamon, libapache2-mod-auth-openidc, libapache2-mod-oauth2, cjose, seafile-client, seafile, libsearpc, ...) and also reported, worked on and solved several bug reports.
I want to continue those packaging and maintenance efforts (without being dependent on sponsorship for uploads) and also continue to spread the word about Debian.
Maybe I am in luck to be a part of Debian when the year of the Linux desktop finally comes ;)
I have been using Free Software and especially GNU/Linux privately on desktop and server systems for quite some time now, while… Expand