My name is Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, also known as Tolimar. I was born in Frankfurt / Germany were I also started to study computer sciences about twenty years ago. Around that time I also installed my first Linux system - mostly because the free port of a game I used to play run better on something called "Linux". Based upon that I got more involved, e.g. in mailing lists, translations and documentation, public relations works and packaging (mostly smaller tools and games), and also various events ranging from smaller Linux presentation days up to organizing a Debian booth at the CeBIT - which used to be a really but IT fair in Germany. At one of these events I had the luck to meet my wife, who was also an active member of the Debian project. We had a great in the project and in the Debian community, but later we decide to have kids, form them a home in southern Germany and change employments. Due to that we didn't hat that much time for Debian anymore, so we retired about 8 years ago. However, we never completely left, and Debian is still our main operating system.
Now that our kids are older and getting more independent, we have more time again, and so here I am again.
So what do I otherwise? Well, I work for a automotive supplied and mechatronics company based in Germany in their IT department responsible for our Unix and storage systems. Beside that I like to play table top games (mostly X-Wing and Star Wars Armada) and other board games, or just read.
My name is Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, also known as Tolimar. I was born in Frankfurt / Germany were I also started to study com… Expand