For, at 2022-12-20:
I would like to apply to change my status in Debian to Debian Maintainer.For, at 2022-12-20:
I currently maintain the following packages: apprise, bootstrap-flask, cmd2, cplay-ng, dirdiff, esda, flake8-2020, flake8-noqa, flask-paginate flask-session, instaloader, libpysal, minisign, mir-eval, thrifty, presets , pyment, python-ansible-compat, python-dirq quotatool, regxxer, sphinx-multiversion, sxid, xli and yarsync.
I worked for some time with Vilmar Francisco and Andrius Markeys and would like to keep my packages unsupervised
Thank you very much in advance!
Signed with key A819 4D5D 117E 2D02 DF30 D30D 07A9 F562 3134 46CD
nilsonfsilva |
2022-12-20 |
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