For, at 2023-04-24:
I would like to apply to change my status in Debian to Debian Developer,
Debian is my main personal OS, and it, along with its derivatives, is also the
cornerstone of my professional work. As I have benefited a lot from the quality
of the work put in Debian, I had the desire to start giving back to the project
and learnt a lot about packaging with the help of brazilian DDs and the
community in general. Thus I started contributing through packaging in 2016,
and increased my participation since 2019.
As a Debian Maintainer, I am currently maintaining the following packages:
firewalk, pem, pev, pipewalker, pngcheck and snowdrop. I also performed QA
work on several packages, including some NMUs.
I also like and have helped fixing bugs in upstream open source projects,
especially those in C, like dcfldd, for example.
As a Debian Developer, I intend to keep working on my packages, adopt new ones
and increase QA work, without needing a sponsor for uploading. Besides, I will
be able to sponsor other people's work, reviewing and helping them in their
packaging efforts to achieve the quality expected by the Debian policy.
Signed with key B7C9 AEA2 C97B 22A3 6C8B 76E6 84E6 2454 5A27 D942
polverari |
2023-04-24 |
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