This page collects statements of advocacy for
Unit 193 <>
to become a Debian Developer, uploading.
You must be logged in to submit a statement of advocacy. See the
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for details and
to obtain a suitable client certificate.
See here for advocacy tips, and
for some more rationale.
Please be verbose if you can. You may want to write the advocacy in a
proper text editor and paste it in the form when you are happy with it.
Note: An email with your advocacy message will be sent to the
public mailing list.
requirement has been approved by Housekeeping Robot <>
6 years, 7 months ago.
process has been closed by gwolf on
2019-01-14: no further modifications are possible.
Signed statements
Statement |
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Actions |
For, at 2018-07-19:
I support Unit 193 <>'s request to become Debian Developer, uploading.
I have worked with Unit 193 on lots of virtualbox packages, and lots of other things over the years (e.g. inxi, some irssi stuff
and something I don't recall right now)
I have personally worked with Unit 193 <> (key 8DB3E586865D2B4A2B185A5C5001E1B09AA3744B) since 2014 or so,
and I know Unit 193 can be trusted to be a full member of Debian, and have unsupervised, unrestricted upload rights, right now.
He cares about reducing the delta between Debian and Ubuntu, he cares a lot about copyrights and archive, as well
as having packages in good shape, understanding how the community works and helping other people.
Please give him a chance!
Signed with key 9297 8A6E 195E 4921 825F 7FF0 F34F 0974 4E9F 5DD9
locutusofborg |
2018-07-19 |
[view raw]
I support Unit 193 <>'s request to become Debian
Developer, uploading.
I have worked intensively with Unit 193 on various projects inside Debian
(MATE, Edu related packages, Ayatana Indicators) for over a year now
(partly even longer) and I would like to be able to see him support
Debian with his expertise as a DD.
I have personally worked with Unit 193 <> (key
8DB3E586865D2B4A2B185A5C5001E1B09AA3744B) since 2015/2016, and I know
Unit 193 can be trusted to be a full member of Debian, and have
unsupervised, unrestricted upload rights, right now.
Unit193 cares a lot about Debian as template for Ubuntu and helps at
various replaces with reducing the delta between the two distros.
Unit193 already is a great contributor to the XFCE team in Debian.
I have not met Unit193 in person, yet, and he is special about keeping
his real identity private. We had some very interesting dicussions about
his way of addressing Debianic and other open work under his pseudonyms.
Also, my impression is that Unit193 will contribute to Debian with his
fine-tuned social skills. In fact, his way-of-being, choice of words,
etc. when working with him via IRC and/or mail feels genuine and it is
enjoyable working with him.
Mike (aka sunweaver), 2018-07-19 for
Signed with key 9BFB AEE8 6C0A A5FF BF22 0782 9AF4 6B30 2577 1B31
sunweaver |
2018-07-19 |
[view raw]
For, at 2018-07-23:
I support Unit 193 <>'s request to become Debian Developer, uploading.
I have worked with Unit 193 on many packages, even if they often ended up being
sponsored by somebody else. I reviewed packages like inxi, alpine and several
xfce packages, both for Debian and Ubuntu.
It's a huge pleasure working with him, his communication style may be unusual at
first but after a while it feels incredibly relaxing, and manages to always keep
any kind of discussion very calm. He tries very hard not to step on anybody's
toes - something that I consider both a "feature" (as it prevents conflicts) and
a "bug" (as he ends up with work that takes forever to be merged) of him.
Also, his very thorough is astonishing; he often came to me to review work without
giving me the chance to say anything bad about it :)
I also trust him not to break things: he won't upload something he is not
confident about, and he is not shy to ask for help if he doesn't understand something,
and I'm positive this part of him won't change even if he has more power in his hands.
I have personally worked with Unit 193 <>
(key 8DB3E586865D2B4A2B185A5C5001E1B09AA3744B) for at least 3 years, and I know
Unit 193 can be trusted to be a full member of Debian, and have unsupervised,
unrestricted upload rights, right now.
Signed with key 66AE 2B4A FCCF 3F52 DA18 4D18 4B04 3FCD B944 4540
mattia |
2018-07-23 |
[view raw]
Date |
Author |
Action |
Content |
Public |
2018-07-23 14:13 |
mattia |
add_statement |
Added a new statement |
yes |
2018-07-23 14:13 | |
req_approve |
New statement received, the requirement seems satisfied |
yes |
2018-07-19 21:55 |
sunweaver |
add_statement |
Added a new statement |
yes |
2018-07-19 21:55 | |
req_approve |
New statement received, the requirement seems satisfied |
yes |
2018-07-19 09:34 |
locutusofborg |
add_statement |
Added a new statement |
yes |
2018-07-19 09:34 | |
req_approve |
New statement received, the requirement seems satisfied |
yes |